Huggermugger or fine tuned, drink up!

Just a quickie, I have been asked for some smoothie recipes.

I don’t follow recipes for smoothies and never think of giving them to anyone because for me I just throw in whatever I have. I am happy to share some below, I hope you enjoy them but don’t be restricted by them.

This is the basic formula: I use a base of water, juice (I always make extra when I make a green juice for the following days smoothie), or kefir then I add the main fruit. I like bananas as they make it silky and are usually a good price. If you see lots of very ripe bananas going cheap buy them, peel them, chop them and freeze them. Perfect smoothie material, no need to defrost.

Add another fruit if you want it such as seasonal kiwis, berries or apples or you could use frozen fruit or exotic fruit such as pinapple, papaya or mago, this depends on your taste and budget.

Then put your greens in. I use about 50/50 fruit to greens. The more you have green smoothies the more green you will be able to use and enjoy. Build it up! If you see a glut of curly Kale and have a juicer that can juice leaves (or if you grow it and the season is soon over) juice lots and freeze in cubes for use in smoothies.

After that add any of the PIMP IT ingredients you will find beneath the recipes or add any other super food you like or maybe you need it slightly sweeter so add a drop of honey, agave, maple syrup or a pitted date.

To fine tune it try a pinch of pink himalayan salt, a squirt of lemon juice, maybe a hint of vanilla.


balanced, delicious, pretty

Smoothie recipes (per person)

100ml water of liquid (see Pimp it) – you can add more or less depending how thick you like it
1 Banana
A handful berries. Frozen are fine – you can get frozen broken berries quite cheaply which are perfect
A BIG handful of spinach

Liquid as 1
1 Banana
2 kiwis
BIG handful torn kale leaves about 2-3 big leaves

Liquid as 1
1/2 mango (frozen mango is available or buy when cheaper and peel, chop and freeze your own)
1/2 Banana
Handful spinach
Few sprigs parsley

Liquid as 1
2-3 ins cucumber
Mint leaves

2-3 ins cucumber
2 sticks celery
1 banana
1 date (optional for extra sweetness)

Pimp it

In place of water use:

Green juice
Water kefir
Any nut milk
Half and half water (or any of above) with milk kefir or live yogurt

Add one or more of the following to any smoothie:

1 tsp pollen
1 tsp spirullina
2 tsp chia (add an extra splash of water and drink before it gets too thick)
2 tsp flax ( “   “   ) if you don’t have a really strong blender use ground flax – make sure you keep this in the fridge and that it has a long sell by date when you buy it, the oils are sensitive and can go rancid easily.

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